Mind Lab - Week 19 - Examine your resources (Develop a hunch)
Professional Learning: Be informed by research and innovations related to: content disciplines; pedagogy; teaching for diverse learners, including learners with disabilities and learning support needs; and wider education matters. We are looking at the year 4s coming through. We have an idea that there will be a group of below students - possibly boys who are disengaged, girls who are passive, maybe Maori, who are below where we would like them to be in maths. Maths because that is our whole school focus. Our hunch is that if we engage them with something fun - like robotics - that will increase engagement leading to increased student agency, growth mindset and improved student outcomes. I need to find evidence of the reason in the literature. Is this proof that increased engagement leads to increased agency and improved outcomes? I then need to look to see how I could contribute to improve it as a professional. Is this by doing some research of my own that I can add to the resear...