
Showing posts from 2018

Mind Lab - Week 19 - Examine your resources (Develop a hunch)

Professional Learning: Be informed by research and innovations related to: content disciplines; pedagogy; teaching for diverse learners, including learners with disabilities and learning support needs; and wider education matters. We are looking at the year 4s coming through. We have an idea that there will be a group of below students - possibly boys who are disengaged, girls who are passive, maybe Maori, who are below where we would like them to be in maths. Maths because that is our whole school focus. Our hunch is that if we engage them with something fun - like robotics - that will increase engagement leading to increased student agency, growth mindset and improved student outcomes. I need to find evidence of the reason in the literature. Is this proof that increased engagement leads to increased agency and improved outcomes? I then need to look to see how I could contribute to improve it as a professional. Is this by doing some research of my own that I can add to the resear...

Mind Lab - Week 18 - Find Research (Focus)

Reading -  " Manifesto for Evidence-Based Education " (Coe, 1999)  Education is too important to allow it to be determined by unfounded opinion. Sources of evidence The only worthwhile kind of evidence about whether something works in a particular situation comes from trying it out. Much of the research that is done in education takes the form of surveys or "correlational" research: looking for relationships within existing systems. This kind of research can provide valuable insights into how different features of a situation are related, but it cannot tell us what the effects will be of making changes. The results of experiments can sometimes be disappointing, and this has led to some rejection of the experimental method of enquiry. if the method is sound but fails to demonstrate the success of a particular strategy, then perhaps the strategy is at fault. Educational researchers are often disappointed if they get negative results, but negative results, par...

Mind Lab - Week 17 - Choose your topic (Scan)

Over the next 16 weeks, I will be carrying out a small-scaled teacher inquiry cycle.  In order to document and share my teacher inquiry journal, I considered creating a google site. I have previously created google sites for school, and have a google site for my thoughts and reflections when completing my Digital Passport. However, I did feel that I was doubling up and that a google site is not naturally the best way for me to learn. So I have decided to continue to keep all of my documents, notes, lessons and resources in my Google Drive, where is a shared with my collaborators. I will then post my thoughts and reflections to this blog which is open to all to see and give me feedback. I have this blog linked to my appraisal as well as reflections to all of the teaching standards. Within my google drive, I have made copies of both rubrics for the 2 assignments for this course (first 8 weeks - research). I have also made copies of the Research Essay template and Acti...

Mind Lab - Week 16 - Digital

Mind Lab - Week 16 - Digital

Mind Lab - Week 16 - Leadership

Mind Lab - Week 16 - Leadership

Assignment Digital 2 & Leadership 2

Digital & Collaborative Learning in Context - Assessment 2 Document and critique the leadership and implementation of a digital and collaborative learning innovation (change initiative) applied to a specific area of practice. Either individually, or in groups of two or three, create an essay or video presentation where you document and critique the implementation of a digital and collaborative learning innovation (change initiative) and your leadership of it. Evaluate the successes and/or failures of your innovation. Evaluate your leadership of this change initiative. Reflect on what you have learned.

Mind Lab - Week 15 - Digital

Mind Lab - Week 15 - Digital

Mind Lab - Week 15 - Leadership

Mind Lab - Week 15 - Leadership

Mind Lab - Week 14 - Digital

Mind Lab - Week 14 - Digital

Mind Lab - Week 14 - Leadership

Mind Lab - Week 14 - Leadership

Mind Lab - Week 13 - Digital

Mind Lab - Week 13 - Digital

Mind Lab - Week 13 - Leadership

Mind Lab - Week 13 - Leadership

Leadership Assignment 1

Mindlab Leaders Assignment Leadership in Digital and Collaborative Learning - Assessment 1 Critically analyse the leadership of a change initiative that you were involved with in the past. Then plan your leadership of a future change initiative. Identify the leadership theories, styles and attributes used and evaluate their effectiveness. Either individually, or in groups of two or three, write a cohesive essay where you begin by briefly evaluating a previous change initiative, and your own role within it, with reference to relevant leadership theories. Building on these reflections, explain and justify how you will lead your main stakeholders through the implementation of the change initiative outlined in your Digital 1 assignment. Demonstrate your critical understanding of multiple leadership theories and key principles, including their strengths and weaknesses, through these two change initiatives.    Leadership in Digital & Collaborative Learning Karen Dul...