Mind Lab - Week 1 - Leadership - Followership

LEADERSHIP - Followership
“The role of follower can be seen as holding within it potential for both assessing and taking on leadership functions. In addition to directing activity, these include decision making, goal setting, communicating, adjudicating conflict, and otherwise maintaining the enterprise.”

Hollander, E.P. (1992). The Essential Interdependence of Leadership and Followership. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 1(2),71-75.


What do you consider a good leader to be like?

How did you lead and follow during the collaborative task?

A good leader needs to have good interpersonal communication skills. They need to have a good understanding of the subject they are leading. The need to be approachable and willing to discuss. They also need to be willing to muck in and do with everyone else.
  • clear vision and clear focus
  • honesty, integrity and humility
  • a believer in teamwork and collaboration
  • creative and willing to try out new ideas and strategies, not just continue to do the same old over and over again.
  • committment
  • passion
  • decision making skills
  • good communication
  • innovator
  • organised

During our Collaborative task Toni, Georgia, Nick and I instinctively split up the work and shared it amongst ourselves. At the same time we talked each step through together to decide on the best way forward. Every time there was a problem or a decision to be make we discussed, came to an agreement and moved forward. Georgia videoed as she had the best tool for the job. But the details were decided on collaboratively.

Whilst we still have a lot to learn regarding the filmmaking process, we are proud of the way our video turned out.


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