Mind Lab - Week 23 - Plan Data Collection (Learn)

Week 23 - Plan Data Collection (Learn)

Key Terminology
Robotics - BeeBots, ProBots, Mbots and EV3s to learn mathematical number knowledge concepts. - choose 1
Collaborative groups - shared responsibility, making substantive decisions with other people and work being
interdependent on others - heterogeneous learning groups for collaborative tasks - mixed ability, mixed gender,
through teacher observations (interviews and observations - qualitative)
Student Engagement - In practice students are actively engaged in the task - through teacher
observations (interviews and observations - qualitative), students are asking questions (quantitative),
behaviour is appropriate (Observation), motivational level when they come into the classroom in
the mornings is high m(observation), completing of tasks can be seen on tracking sheet
Mathematical Outcome - Knowledge pre and post-tests show improvement in scores - quantitative

Ethics - listen to Tuesday Week 22 webinar for more info
These thoughts below mainly relate to a scenario where a researcher wanted to observe a
teacher teaching a class of new entrants. They would be observing both the teacher and
the students.
Related to any TAI. If research does not have knowledge, skills and experience ti will
waste time for the participants. Of if topic is not worthwhile - wastes time. Our TAI
must benefit our students and community

Learners benefits take precedent over researchers self interest

Avoid unnecessary harm and anxiety - not just related to the data collection activity but
to details in research report of consequence of participation in report. Make sure
observation of students is unobtrusive so teacher won't be disturbed and students
won't be anxious.

Their consent should be without pressure once they know all details. Teacher and children's
parents if observing a class. How much information will I tell the teacher I am observing - it
may make the data invalid. Transparency and sharing the finding back (those who have been researched) and share wider to benefit other teachers. Need to give teacher rational about 
observing them but how much will they tell them - research doesn’t tell what they are observing,
they may unconsciously change behaviour - data might not be accurate - tell them that the 
specific details can’t be divulged until after the data collection - but that may result in  some
people being put off taking part.

In this case, the students cannot give consent - need to talk to parents and caregivers, explain 
the situation to them and how the research will benefit their kids in the future.

Relevant to all TAIs - strictly confidential

Don't hinder progress

Give findings to participants.- relevant to most inquiries - def relevant to teachers being observed.
What is the positive teacher and student behaviours - this will help benefit students.
Don’t have to include all in our action plan - just one or two we think are the most relevant.

What are the possible ethical
issues/questions that I need
to deal with /answer?
Related data collection
Will the students lose any
learning opportunities when
they take part in this Teacher Inquiry?
Try to avoid this - related to
principles 1, 2 and 3

Will you seek parental
consent (e.g. to video
their children)?
No videoing and its all
in our normal teaching
Depends how old your kids,
and def if you want to
video primary school kids
Observation by recording
student interaction
Observation with tally charts
Will personal data be
collected? And if so will
it be confidentially and
In most cases we will -
test results, student
demographic data. When
you collect data you will
use students name but
when analyse and do
report you will nots give
the students names. No
individual data is released
in your report.
Maths data - confidential
Will you use students’ writing
samples anonymously?
Collect data with student name,
analyse samples without names
on to be objective. When report
result no name

Will an interview or survey be
imposed on students?
Never impose - always explain
clearly what the purpose is.
Survey - no
Interviews - yes after
Observations - yes timed
observations of engagement
and collaboration
Will the participants be made
fully aware of all intended uses
of the information, for what
period of time, and the potential
effects of this use?
Yes - in assignment explain
why you do that, what you are
going to tell your participants
We will discuss our assignment,
our TAI and what we are doing
with the students. Parents will
be informed in newsletter, meet
the teacher and parent/teacher
Will the respondents be given
the content and purpose of the
data collection (e.g. survey or
interview etc. ) so that they
may make an informed judgment
about whether they wish to
Yes - their judgement should be
based in the information that
you give so they will be fully
Need to fully justify all the above
answers and explain which
theory is relevant.
All data will be collected during
the course of the normal school
day, during normal teaching time.
A lot of the data is that which is
always collected anyway. We
will just do an extra knowledge
test in week 5 and more focused
observations more frequently
during the course of our
teaching sessions.

Do not need to integrate most of them - maybe two or three at most. Need to justify how they are integrated into different phases of your inquiry.
Obviously Whānau is a big one- not only so they know what is happening but consulting them about aspirations for their children and beliefs etc
Yes Whanau was what i was looking at too.  In my case my particpants/students are adults but their learnings will benefit them supporting their children as well.
My participants are wanting to learn about working with computers/digital so they are able to support their children with their learning/homework...etc..
I am focusing on Play Based Learning in the digital age so consulting with whanau and the community is really important as there is quite a divide between opinions and research!

When you submit assignment you need to add more details.
Self determination - have to overcome difficulties to achieve the goal
Socio-economic - Maori students - if no internet at home or no devices

What it takes to successfully do your inquiry with Maori learners

Survery or interview - need to explain the purpose of the survey or interview questions

Data Collection
Tally Chart for Maths Teaching Session - for cognitive engagement
Date: Time:
Students in Group:

Students name
Questions asked

Interval Behaviour Log - for behavioural engagement and collaboration
Student: Date: Observed Setting

Post Observation Interview  - for clarification around engagement and collaboration
Semi-structured Interview

Tell me about what you what you were doing today during Maths?

How have you found working in collaborative groups?

Have you used robots before? When?

When have you had an opportunity to share your knowledge with the others in your group?

Do you enjoy maths more/less this year?

Do you feel you are listened to within your group?

Do you feel confident to ask questions or ask for help?


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