Take Action - Teaching Plan 2

How can the use of robotics and learning within collaborative groups be used to promote student engagement and have positive impacts on mathematical outcomes?

From my baseline assessment of student data, I know that multiplication is an area that my students need more direct instruction in.
The activities created for my first teaching week were not as engaging as I would have liked. This week's activities should be more engaging.

1) Teacher-led group - multiplication - explicit teaching using Bee-Bots. Heterogeneous group - students working on different times tables. Blue tac magnets onto the front of the Bee-Bots. Spread metal paper clips on the floor. Students program Bee-Bots to collect paper clips. When the Bee-Bot returns they put the paperclips into groups and label the multiplication (and division) fact they have created. I will be recording when students ask questions (of myself or their peers). Asking questions is an indicator of students being cognitively engaged. 2) Times Tables Touch - place numbers underneath a clear mat. These are the answers to times tables cards. One person turns over a card and reads out the times table. The other two students race their Bee-Bots to the answer. First one there gets a point. Then swap round. 3) Practice times tables on Basic Facts Maths Practice. 4) Create a Bee-Bot race track (like the one shown below). Challenge your buddy to get around the race track in one go.


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