Digital Assignment 1

Mindlab Digital Assignment

Digital & Collaborative Learning in Context - Assignment 1

Identify, justify and plan a digital and collaborative learning innovation applied to a specific area of your practice.
Either individually, or in groups of two or three, create a cohesive video presentation where you critically reflect on a problem or challenge you have identified in your teaching practice and suggest a key competency, 21st century skills and/or He Tikanga Whakaaro related area for improvement.
Justify a digital and collaborative innovation that you think can address the identified problems / challenges and compare it with alternative options. Identify your stakeholders and the outcomes that you hope to see.
Plan how you can begin to implement or trial your innovation (or the first part of it) in your practice during the 16 weeks of the Digital and Collaborative Learning in Context course. An innovation can be a combination of many types of tools, the ways you use them, new collaborative practice(s) etc.

Markers Notes
Kia ora Toni and Karen. Well done on a great first up assignment! You have reflected in depth on your practice (key to Mindlab learning) identified an area to improve, considered your stakeholders needs, and how changes would enhance their learning. Student needs are leading construction of your plan, which has knowledge of ITL research / 21st CLD rubrics and Key Competencies at its heart. You have analysed a range of possible digital tools / innovations and justified the approach you intend using, which is a combination of the tools that best suit student’s needs. In terms of the planning you have given good detail about the ‘how’ and justified the ‘why’ of what you intend to do. You have clearly understood the assignment criteria, creating your submission with the requirements in mind. In terms of technical aspects your narrative over slide format was very effectively done. Suggestions in terms of feed forward for your next assignment; with regards integration of research; you certainly read widely of quality literature; to take this to the next step aim to debate with, and compare / contrast, researchers’ point of view, as applies to your context. Also aim to include a short conclusion to sum up your learning. Overall a well-conceived, strong innovation that was very well presented. Good job ladies.
Critically Reflect On Your Digital And Collaborative Learning Practice From The Viewpoints Of Your Main Stakeholders (You Can Include Learner Voice): 18%
DCL practice evaluated against a critique of relevant aspects of own skills and competencies in the context of theory / wider practice. Stakeholder viewpoints are explained.
Identify And Analyse A 21St Century Skill (21Cs) And/or Key Competency (Kc) / He Tikanga Whakaaro (Htw) Related Area For Improvement (You Can Include Learner Voice): 19%
Specific aspects of the area for improvement are related to particular 21CS, KC and/or HTW. 21CS, KC and/or HTW are situated within wider practice / generalised to theory
Identify A Variety Of Digital And Collaborative Learning Innovations That Could Potentially Improve Your Identified Area Of Practice Include Supporting Evidence : 18%
Variety of potential DCL innovations critiqued against theory and/or wider practice. Integrated assessment of evidence from more than one source
Provide A Plan For A Digital And Collaborative Innovation That Addresses The Identified Area For Improvement, That You Will Implement In Your Practice : 18%
A plan is critiqued against requirements and alternatives identified in the area for improvement. Alternatives are weighed against one another
Use And Present Suitably Cited And Referenced Source Material In Apa Format, Including Peer Reviewed Journals : 8%
Well integrated and constructed references, cited and debated
Deliver And Present Content Effectively, Considering Structure, Narrative And Presence Include Reflections On Your Own Learning : 8%

A well argued presentation with a narrative structure that relates themes together and explains what you have learned


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